The Unveiled Story

The Unveiled vision was born out of a prompting from God to fully step into the calling he’s placed on my life as a speaker, teacher and encourager.  For many years, I’ve known this is who God created me to be and what he called me to do, but so many things have kept me from doing it!  You know, the usual fear…procrastination…waiting for some big opportunity to suddenly drop in my lap.  Well, at the start of 2015 God began speaking to me clearly through the book of Joshua (and confirming through dear friends and mentors!):  “This year, I want you to be BOLD and COURAGEOUS.”  Honestly, I never thought being bold and courageous would lead to starting a new ministry…uh, that was NOT on my radar!  I had been quite comfortable waiting for opportunities to come my way to speak and teach -- which I was eagerly and willingly doing, just committing to say “yes” whenever a speaking engagement was offered.  And a few opportunities did come.  But in this season, I feel God inviting me to step out -- to stop waiting for things to happen and to actively, boldly and courageously pursue the calling he’s placed on my life.  And, to encourage others like me to do the same.

I remember a most pivotal conversation in this journey.  I was meeting with one of my mentors and sharing that I felt God nudging me to step out in this way but I couldn’t quite find the type of skills training I wanted.  I had been researching everything from seminary programs and ministry trainings to motivational speaker courses.  I was looking for a blend of three things:  1) very practical speaker training 2) foundational Bible training -- growing in studying, teaching and preaching the Word of God and 3) learning to steward and grow in the spiritual gifts of prophecy (e.g. exhorting, proclaiming God’s Word) and intercession.  After hearing me share these things, my mentor simply said -- “Connie, I think you’re already more equipped than you realize. Why don’t you write down the vision for the training you think you need?”  As I did just that (after a bit of hemming and hawing and politely suggesting that she was not listening or understanding my dilemma), I realized that she was right.  After nearly 15 years of producing event and conference programming, mentoring women, leading Bible studies and facilitating groups, God had adequately equipped me with the skillset and experience to create a space for exactly this type of training. 

And so, the journey for Unveiled begins.  One of the things I love most about the Lord is he doesn't ask for a lot.  If we step out and trust him in even the smallest of ways, he meets us, grabs hold of our hand, and then like a good Father releases every resource of heaven to help his child.  I'm counting on it...because he has never failed.  I know that God is raising up courageous women speakers and leaders all across the globe.  And he's called me to be one of them.  And if you're reading, I'm guessing he's called you too.  And we need each other to live boldly, and courageously, and fearlessly into the center of our callings -- to live unveiled lives for the kingdom and the glory of our great God.